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Hornby Gare Demontable

Hornby Gare Demontable was a constructional system by Meccano (France) to make stations for their Hornby 'O' gauge trains. They were made post war by Meccano (France). They were initially made out of wood between 1949 and 1958 and then plastic from 1958 to 1962. Many if not all were modelled on actual French railway stations.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Meccano (France)

Below there are manuals/leaflets and photos which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

Photos of a Hornby Gare Demontable No.14 - Biarritz.
(Added 09/05/2022)

Photos of a Hornby Gare Demontable No.19 - Marseille.
(Added 09/05/2022)

Photos of a Hornby Gare Demontable No.21 - Bordeaux.
(Added 09/05/2022)

Photos of a Hornby Gare Demontable No.22.
(Added 09/05/2022)

Photos of a Hornby Gare Demontable. It look very similar to the previous No.22.
(Added 09/05/2022)

Photos of a Hornby Gare Demontable, platform and canopy.
(Added 09/05/2022)